
Ennergi Research is a no profit association born on August 4th 2017 in order to promote the experimental research in the oncology field, and consequently to improve the diagnostic, therapeutic and care pathway of patients affected by several tumors, such as breast and ovarian cancer.

The association makes use of a team of medical doctors, who collect, share and elaborate their data, and publish their results on the major international, indicized, impacted journals.

The activity of Ennergi Research may be supported by spontaneous donations,  and associative fees. All the members gratefully thank the supporters for their help.


Ennergi Research è un’associazione no profit nata il 4 agosto 2017 al fine di promuovere la ricerca sperimentale in campo oncologico e, di conseguenza, migliorare il percorso diagnostico, terapeutico e assistenziale dei pazienti affetti da diversi tumori, come il tumore al seno e alle ovaie.

L’associazione si avvale di un team di medici che, insieme anche alla collaborazione con personale sanitario e non, raccolgono, condividono ed elaborano i loro dati e pubblicano i loro risultati sulle principali riviste internazionali indicizzate ed impattate.

L’attività di Ennergi Research può essere supportata da donazioni spontanee e tasse associative. Per diventare membro, basta contattarci via e-mail all’indirizzo subscription@ennergi.eu e compilare un modulo di registrazione.

L’associazione ringrazia tutti i suoi soci ed i sostenitori con enorme gratitudine per il loro aiuto.


For spontaneous donations please contact info@ennergi.eu to have more details about procedure and the association IBAN or use the paypal donate button at the bottom of this page.


The founding members of Ennergi Research are:

  • dr. Serena Bertozzi (MD, president)
  • dr. Carla Cedolini (MD, vice president)
  • dr. Ambrogio P. Londero (MD, PhD, secretary)

And the honorary members are the following:

  • dr. Michele Baroncini (LD)
  • dr. Giovanni Barillari (MD)
  • prof. Laura Mariuzzi (MD)

To become member, it is only required to contact us (by email at subscription@ennergi.eu) and fill a registration form.


I soci fondatori di Ennergi Research sono:

  • dr. Serena Bertozzi (MD, president)
  • dr. Carla Cedolini (MD, vice president)
  • dr. Ambrogio P. Londero (MD, PhD, secretary)

E i soci onorari:

  • dr. Michele Baroncini (LD)
  • dr. Giovanni Barillari (MD)
  • prof. Laura Mariuzzi (MD)

Per diventare socio basta contattarci scrivendo una email a subscription@ennergi.eu.


February 2025

This February Ennergi Research is organizing an information event together with the Pro Loco of the municipality of Gris Cuccana entitled “Blood for research and for the gift“. The aim is always to tell anyone who is interested what the most recent research projects we are working on are, as well as to involve and …

January 2025

With the new year we renew our thanks to all those who support us because, thanks mainly to your contribution, we have achieved unthinkable goals during the past year. And we can start this year with a considerable budget, also and above all following the amount collected through the 5×1000. We therefore take this opportunity …

December 2024

This month we would like to take advantage of a series of thanks. The end of the year, in fact, is a decisive moment to take stock of what has been sown and harvested during this 2024. And we have certainly harvested a lot. We have been happily surprised by the generosity of our supporters, …


Ennergi Research

Via Talmassons 1, 33050 Lestizza (UD)

C.F.: 94144080309

P. IVA: 02899850305

e-mail: info@ennergi.eu